Employment Law

Employment law is one of the key practice areas at the Law Offices of Craig Seldin. Mr. Seldin has been successful in representing both employees and employers.  For representation of employers, he drafts employment agreements for use with employees.  This helps cover the basis for all employers. He has represented both sides in unemployment claims hearings that go before the Texas Workforce Commission.

Wrongful termination can be very hard for an employee to take.  Craig Seldin has many years of success in representing employees who have been wrongfully terminated. Mr. Seldin can also defend, and has experience in defending employees before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.(EOCC)   Sometimes these EEOC proceedings are a prerequisite to engaging in federal civil rights litigation on behalf of an employee. The federal causes of action for violation of an employee’s civil rights usually are based upon Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Chapter 42, Section 1983 of the United States Code. In the case of discrimination, it is rare that the employee can show direct evidence of what took place. It is important for Mr. Seldin to contact another employee outside the class of the plaintiff who was similarly situated but for one reason or another received more favorable treatment than the treatment the plaintiff received.

One of the main areas that Craig Seldin has much success in is representing employees where covenant not to compete clauses are in place. He knows the restrictions that pertain to these covenants. In many cases, the employee has been able to counterclaim against an employer suit and has actually walked away with damages from the employer.

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